Planned maintenance of management platform from Jan, 25 2024 08:00 -03 to Jan, 25 2024 09:00 -03

Scheduled maintenance Management Platform
Jan, 25 2024 08:00 -03 · 1 hour



We would like to inform all users of the upcoming scheduled maintenance for our management platform. This routine maintenance is part of our commitment to provide the best quality and reliability in our services.

Maintenance Details:

  • Start Time: January 25, 11:00 am UTC
  • End Time: January 25, 12:00 pm UTC

We’ll be upgrading the underlying infrastructure of our platform to improve its performance, availability, and reliability. While we strive to minimize any disruption, please be aware that the platform may be unresponsive for up to 10 minutes within this period.

We recommend that you plan your activities on the platform accordingly, as certain features may not be available during those brief intervals when the platform is under maintenance. Please save any work and avoid scheduling critical tasks that require the system’s availability within this window to prevent any potential data loss or interruptions.

All experiences saved before the maintenance will work as expected during the maintenance window. Only the management UI and API will be undergoing maintenance. Personalization and event ingestion should also be unaffected.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to maintain and improve our service. Should you have any concerns or require further assistance, please contact our support team, who will gladly help.

January 24, 2024 · 08:23 -03

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